Sean Howard, overlays
14 hours ago
a blog about a novel about Aristotle's daughter ~ by Annabel Lyon
An exhilarating book, both brilliant and profound. Annabel Lyon’s spare, fluid, utterly convincing prose pulls us headlong into Aristotle’s original mind. Only Lyon’s great-hearted intelligence could have imagined and achieved the brave ambition of this book. Vital, ferocious and true, The Golden Mean is an oracular vision of the past made present.
--Marina Endicott, author of Good to a Fault
In Lyon’s clever hands, more than two thousand years of difference are made to disappear and Aristotle feels as real and accessible as the man next door. With this powerful, readable act of the imagination, Annabel Lyon proves that she can go anywhere it pleases her to go.
Hi Annabel: I was at the Humber School of Writing Workshop this past summer when you spoke and picked up The Golden Mean at the Bookstore sale. I LOVE THIS BOOK! I love this book as a writer (I had to read it a couple of times to really capture your subtle and beautiful craft) and as an avid reader. AND I love this book so much that I recommended it to my bookclub who are reading it now in preparation for discussion next Sunday (Nov 28)! I've already received some feedback (language, sex) and have some questions for you in prep for next Sunday as I am facilitating the discussion. Is this the best forum to communicate with you? if not, can you please redirect me?
Thanks - look forward to hearing from you!
Kathryn, are you on Facebook? Come find me there; a slightly less public forum for your questions! Thanks for your kind words -
This is so awesome! You should be honoured - great list to be on.
On behalf of the Loveliest Book Group in Queens Park, let me congratulate you on this honour and your gracious response!! Fodder for future book group discussions, I hope! We're so proud to call you neighbour in our fair hamlet.
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